Alice Caparelli

Who is Alice

Alice Caparelli comes from Brasil and belongs to a lineage of medicine from the forest. She graduated in biology with the intention of caring for and protecting Mother Earth. Over time, she saw that her service would be more useful in helping humans find their healing and balance. She graduated in chinese medicine, acutonics, reiki, crystals, among others energy medicine techniques. 

In the last years, she has studied and developed in quantum and multidimensional medicines such as thetahealing, multidimensional therapy and tameana. 

Always with the purpose of honoring the planet and all beings that inhabit it. She recently graduated as a minister from the Center of Sacred Studies, where she deepened her connection with the wisdom of the original people and star nation. 

For many years she has been helping people free themselves from the illusion of artificial time and reconnect with the natural cycles of the Earth and Cosmos, activating their stellar memories of who they really are. Those studies are based on the law of time by José Arguelles.

Her ability to contact other beings and worlds has been developing for over 15 years. A mission of planetary service, for a better world.

“A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step” – Lao Tzu


We all came to this planet to fulfill a Divine purpose. We need to activate our cosmic memory of who we really are and why we chose to be on Gaia at this planetary moment. We all deserve to be free, abundant and happy. It will be a joy and honor to be able to help in your journey of awakening.

Multidimensional Therapy

Multidimensional therapy, a technique channeled by Hélène Abiassi, is an incredible way to help individuals in their inner process of healing, clarity and ascension. It is made with the help of light beings of high energetic frequency, Ascended Masters, beings from all kingdoms of nature, star nation and the Source. All made by unconditional love. If you want answers for your life on issues that limit, imprison or confuse you, it will be an honor for me to be able to help you in your process of freedom, empowerment, clarity and expansion of consciousness.

Image @victoria.rozengurt


New Moon Virtual Circle

Do you feel disconnected from yourself, Mother Earth and the Cosmos?
In this live I talk about what are the energies of the cosmos that are coming to us in the Solstice and Holiday season of 2022, from the perspective of the 13 moon galactic cycles. I also talk about how you can change your belive system about time and step out of the illusion that traps and put you in an energy state of separation and scarcity.

My universe

Friends, family, community, retreats, spiritual ceremonies, trips, courses and specializations… Images of some of my experiences around the world.

My universe

Friends, family, community, retreats, spiritual ceremonies, trips, courses and specializations… Images of some of my experiences around the world.

Trabalho com as medicinas indígenas Huni Kuin e Yawanawa | Working with Huni Kuin and Yawanawa indigenous medicines
Formatura. Primeira brasileira a se formar no programa Ministry Training Program. Washington, USA | Graduation. First Brazilian to graduate from the Ministry Training Program. Washington, USA
Formatura no Treinamento Ministerial. Washington, Estados Unidos da América | Ordination of Ministry Training Program. Washington, USA
Dança do Urso, cerimônia nativa americana. Califórnia, EUA | Bear dance, Native American ceremony. California, USA
Cerimônia com as medicinas da floresta. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil | Ceremony with the medicines of the forest. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Amigos Yawanawa. Trabalho espiritual com as medicinas da Floresta. | Yawanawa friends. Spiritual work with forest medicines.
Curso facilitadores da Lei do tempo. Canela, Brasil | Law of Time\'s course facilitator. Canela, Brazil
Grandmother Jyoti. Hawai, USA
Retiro thetahealing. DNA 3 e Você e a Terra. Ubatuba, Brasil. | Thetahealing retreat. DNA 3 and You and Earth. Ubatuba, Brazil
André e Robson, mestres da Lei do Tempo | André and Robson, masters of the Law of Time
Com minha mestra em thetahealing, Jade Gouvea | With my master in thetahealing, Jade Gouvea
Com minhas mentoras espirituais Darlene Hunter e Jyoti Ma | With my spiritual mentors Darlene Hunter and Jyoti Ma
Monte Shasta, USA | Mount Shasta, USA
Retiro espiritual Jardim Praia da Beira Mar | Spiritual Retreat Jardim Praia da Beira Mar
Temazcal com amigos nativos norte americanos. California,USA | Temazcal with Native American friends. California,USA
Teotihuacan, Mexico. Retiro com Nina e Tudor. | Teotihuacan, Mexico Retreat with Nina and Tudor.
Red Wood Forest, USA
Com queridos Rosana e Thomas | With dear Rosana and Thomas
Retiro espiritual no Havaí 2019 | Spiritual Retreat in Hawaii 2019
Trabalho espiritual Itália | Spiritual work Italy
Trabalho espiritual Grécia | Spiritual work Greece
Minha filha, meu maior tesouro | My daughter, my greatest treasure
Havaí 2019
Trabalho espiritual no Havaí | Spiritual work in Hawaii
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It will be a joy for me to be able to help you on your journey of healing and awakening.


+55 21 9 8139-3019

